The health and safety of participants and staff in our programs is our goal. While restrictions have been lifted at the current time, we will continue to follow federal, provincial and regional guidelines and regulations as required to make this happen! Even with measures lifted, we are doing what we can to ensure the health and safety of everyone while at Playgrounds.


What is Playgrounds doing to keep everyone safe?

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures. This includes frequent cleaning and disinfecting of highly touched surfaces and objects, equipment & training surfaces.

  • We have installed an air purification system to provide the best possible air quality- especially in the cold months when our garage door will be closed during classes and events.

  • Staff will remind participants of proper hand washing and respiratory etiquette as needed. 

How can I help?

  • Please remind your kids to listen to their coaches. Inability to listen to instructors may result in being asked to sit out for part or the remainder of the class. We don’t want anyone to miss out, but we must prioritize the overall health and safety of our staff and participants.

  • Do not attend if you are sick. Use the provincial self-assessment tool for guidance as needed.

  • (Until Winter Term) Drop-off your child(ren) outside Playgrounds at the designated area (by the garage door, immediately to the right of our normal entrance door). November 20th onwards, most programs will take place in our expanded area and drop off will be at the front of the building. However, for parties, events & any programs taking place in our original space, your entrance will still be at our side entrance as described above.

  • Arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to class, and pick up your children promptly after their class/program ends. If possible, we ask that you remain outside; our staff will monitor for your arrival at the end of class.

  • During the cold weather, the garage door will be closed during classes & programs to allow for adequate heating of the space. Please allow staff to facilitate pickups using our smaller main door (immediately beside the garage door).

  • If a close contact to yourself or your children has contracted COVID-19 or you have been instructed to isolate, please refrain from attending programs at Playgrounds until you have been cleared from isolation as per current provincial guidelines.

If you have any questions, please contact us at